
Showing posts from March, 2016

Politics as of 31 March 2016

You know, I really don't care much for any of the candidates running for President this time around, and I have even less use for those who plan to enter the contests during the conventions. Donald Trump, the Republican (?) leader, is causing horrors within the party and nightmares without. I would like to call him the ultimate egomaniac, but I might offend Hillary. The Donald has hit many of the buttons Americans are hot over. And, typical of the press, they have twisted his words to such an extent that to mention his name in public is an invitation to either pucker or to duck. I am not sure what the man believes about many issues. He has been a master of generalities and avoided details. And he may be the most polarizing candidate since Abraham Lincoln himself. Ted Cruz shares many viewpoints I believe in but his inability to even entertain the thought of attempting to see the other persons viewpoint, much less negotiate with them, leaves me thinking "if we think we hav...