Who will be Thrown Under the Bus?
Who Will Be Thrown Under The Bus? It makes one wonder who could throw whom under the bus. Clinton & Clinton vs Obama and Friends. I would reckon there is enough baggage on both sides that would cause Ken Starr to wet his pants, literally. The damning evidence each holds on the other would cause the Beltway thieves to literally explode. We all know there was a 2008 meeting between Hillary, Obama and someone very powerful in the real governing body of the US, in which Obama walked away with an assured nomination and Hillary with the Secretary of State position. And we know there is no love lost between the two. None. Zip. Each one has enough facts and documentation to cause either or both to be eligible to spend a long long time in Leavenworth. My guess is that a part of the deal is going to be Hillary receiving a Nixon-type pardon that covers any and all crimes that 'may have occurred'. And if she wins I believe he will receive a very similar piece of paper. But ...