We CHOSE the Slippery Slope Road
We CHOSE to take the slippery slope road. Roe v Wade was about a particular court case and a particular law. Congress could have rewritten that law, repeatedly if required, then passed it, let it wind thru the appeals process, lose, do it again. Whatever it took. No, we allowed the abortion door to open AND allowed judicial legislation to flourish even more. Now that it is the norm gay marriage is allowed. The Transgender bathroom decree moved legislation from the Courts to the Administration. It now doesn't even require an Executive Order. The slippery slope has allowed federally funded abortion on demand, gay marriage and will soon bring us even more libertarian liberties. Designer test tube children, euthanasia, sales of body parts (kidney for sale), polygamy, and legalized pedophile crimes. The slippery slope doesn't end there. As our legal system moves farther from Congressional Laws to "Rules by Decree", Progressive thought will dwell more on children. ...