
Why America Burns

11 July 2020 Do you want to know the real reason for all the turmoil in the US today? The New York State Department of Financial Services is investigating Jeffrey Epstein’s financial affairs, as in, where did he get all his money and what did he spend it on. Most people are aware he was a Class 3 pedophile... that is one who is likely to reoffend. Many know he was involved in some way in human trafficking. And, of course, his ‘suicide’ was headline news for weeks.    What most are NOT aware of is the breadth and depth this corruption encompassed.  Deutch Bank was fined because they did not make an effort to dig into what Epstein was doing, and with whom he was doing it as was their responsibility. Their wrist was slapped. Investigators are now digging into it, and they have two keys to the mystery... Ghislane Maxwell and Epstein’s little Black Book. It seems Jeffrey was meticulous keeping both written and video records of everyone he had dealings wi...

An Ancient Judgement - An Ancient Promise

An Ancient Judgement - Ancient Promise II    Chronicles    7:14  “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” If my people, which are called by my name,  (all of you who claim to    be    Christians)  shall humble themselves    (you are proud to    be    Catholic,    Baptist,    Presbyterian,    Pentecostal, our Charismatic, because only    YOU    are    really on the right theological track. You are like the Pharisee who prayed “Oh God, look at how religious I am. I am so deserving of your blessings.” You follow ALL your denominational traditions, practices and rules. You carry the “proper” translation. You are in church every time the door is open, but rea...

What About LAST week’s Headlines?

Did we ever get an answer besides “Target Practice”? We all know how fluid the headlines can be. There was a Whistle-Blower, a Conversation,  Quid Pro Quo, a second WhistleBlower, then no Quid Pro Quo required. The headlines change as fast as Adam “Pencil-Neck’s” lies. But what about forgotten headlines? Did We Ever Get An Answer? Is the government 'stockpiling' hundreds of millions of rounds of ammunition for domestic use? (Jun 2014) Why Are Federal Bureaucrats Buying Guns And Ammo? $158 Million Spent By Non-Military Agencies (Oct 2017) Internal Revenue Service ’s 2,300 Special Agents are allowed to carry AR-15’s, P90 tactical rifles, and other heavy weaponry.  Th...

Free Speech on College Campus

COLLEGE CALLS CHRISTIAN SPEECH 'DISORDERLY CONDUCT,' GETS SUED Students can't say 'anything that prompts complaints from listeners' Read more at This article from unveils the depths which have been plumbed to circumnavigate the entire First Amendment right of free speech. While outright vulgarity, obsennity, violence-inducing music lyrics and outright hate speech directed towards anything and anyone either white, male or Christian is officially given a permit to publically pronounce the speakers point of view it seems the "free speech zones" are anything BUT free. This is the fruit of a 60+ year effort by liberals, first to infiltrate our educational system, to gradually introduce revisionist history, then to federalize the entire public school syste...

Revisionist Historians and Donald Trump

REVISIONIST HISTORIANS and Donald Trump We will soon be able to read revisionist history, written by the educators and intellectuals who will be declaring Mr. Obama to be the greatest President since Abraham Lincoln, and perhaps even greater. As ironic as it will seem, it will be wealthy white male ultra-liberal progressives proclaiming how Barack Obama stood up and forcefully acted for those who had been horribly oppressed by obsessively bigoted Conservatives and Christians. And that he gallantly rose in the face of a white hooded Congress throughout his eight years, he was able to, once and for all time, eliminate the very existence of the racist male dominated white middle class. There are a few things they will NOT write about, and they will NOT tell you HOW he managed the impossible. They will not explain the matter of Executive Orders, or how he bypassed Congress using these orders to implement thousands of pages of rules and regulations so to strangle and kill industry ...

We CHOSE the Slippery Slope Road

We CHOSE to take the slippery slope road. Roe v Wade was about a particular court case and a particular law. Congress could have rewritten that law, repeatedly if required, then passed it, let it wind thru the appeals process, lose, do it again. Whatever it took. No, we allowed the abortion door to open AND allowed judicial legislation to flourish even more. Now that it is the norm gay marriage is allowed. The Transgender bathroom decree moved legislation from the Courts to the Administration. It now doesn't even require an Executive Order. The slippery slope has allowed federally funded abortion on demand, gay marriage and will soon bring us even more libertarian liberties. Designer test tube children, euthanasia, sales of body parts (kidney for sale), polygamy, and legalized pedophile crimes. The slippery slope doesn't end there. As our legal system moves farther from Congressional Laws to "Rules by Decree", Progressive thought will dwell more on children. ...

Vote My Conscience

We have all heard folks telling us to "Vote Your Conscience" in the upcoming Presidential elections. CONSCIENCE. You know, that little voice you sometimes hear in your ear, the back of your mind, or in your heart. Some call it "gut-level instinct" or "the inner voice". There are literally scores of similar descriptions. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary (THE authority of definitions of course) says this: the sense or consciousness of the moral goodness or blameworthiness of one's own conduct, intentions, or        character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or be good archaic :   consciousness conformity to what one considers to be correct, right, or morally good :   conscientiousness sensitive regard for fairness or justice :   scruple Now here are some thoughts about CONSCIENCE based upon the definition: That sense of moral goodness or blameworthiness (moral good or bad) has to be based on somet...