An Ancient Judgement - An Ancient Promise

An Ancient Judgement - Ancient Promise

II  Chronicles  7:14

 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

If my people, which are called by my name, 
(all of you who claim to  be  Christians) 

shall humble themselves  
(you are proud to  be  Catholic,  Baptist,  Presbyterian,  Pentecostal, our Charismatic, because only  YOU  are  really on the right theological track. You are like the Pharisee who prayed “Oh God, look at how religious I am. I am so deserving of your blessings.” You follow ALL your denominational traditions, practices and rules. You carry the “proper” translation. You are in church every time the door is open, but really don’t know The Lord from a lizard.)  

and pray 
(not that hypocritical  prayer you utter in public, or that boilerplate prayer you type out to someone on line. This is the  REAL deal... the prayer you utter from your knees, in Private, when  we  are  broken,  out  of  options,  and at ROCK BOTTOM), 

and seek my face 
(because  all  of  YOUR  ideas, self-help directions from some pastor’s or evangelist’s book, and Church ‘programs’ have  utterly  failed, you can no longer even think and, right now, you  are  OUT  of options),  

and  turn from their wicked ways 
(this is called REPENT. And buddy there is no nearly or almost about it. This is serious, and AI means RIGHT NOW. You are humiliated, shamed, and desperate. You can harden yourself and curse God, but you will not die. When  your  religiousness  is shown  to  be   sham,  when  the  very  best  of  your  good  works  are acknowledged to  be  filthy  before  God,  when your  best  efforts  show YOUR COMPLETE FAILURE, when  your  prideful heart is  completely broken,  and  when you  finally  admit  absolute utter defeat, and, from  the  depths  of  your heart  call  out  “God  HELP ME) 

then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

Folks, THIS is the promise and THIS is the result. There are no shortcuts. There is no room for negotiation. God is not going to bargain with you. It makes no difference who you follow: 
Franklin Graham, Bennie Hinn, Shelton Smith, Rick Warren, Joyce Meyers, Jesse DuPlantis or Pope whatever his name is. 

You have said you are a Born Again Believer in Jesus Christ and unless you exercise these things in your personal life on a daily basis then you have failed, right now you are under Judgement from God. It does not matter one bit what you personally believe about The Bible, it’s inspiration, it’s authority or its relevance in the 21st century. 

It is all written in The Bible. God said it. It doesn’t make any difference whether you accept it or believe it. Right this minute you, your family, your neighbors, your Nation and your planet are under judgement for ignoring His Word.

Almighty God means business. He has given YOU the solution.

What will YOU do?

Agree? Disagree? Please let me know. I will post most replies, but reserve the right to edit out words, phrases or thoughts that, in my sole opinion, are offensive, prejudicial or in otherwise bad taste. Ideas, opinions and words used on this site are not endorsed by any Church, organisation, business or individual listed on this website.


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